1.2. MUX clients
It is possible to connect to a MUX using simply a telnet program, like the one that comes with Windows. However, it is not recommended. Many telnet programs have inadequate ANSI support, and the biggest problem is that you have to type in the same window that output appears in. which can get very confusing when lots of things are going on and your typing keeps getting interrupted.

The better option is to use a MU* client, a program designed for using MUXes and related things, like MUSHes, MUCKs, and MUDs. Here I will discuss three popular clients: SimpleMU, MUSHclient, and TinyFugue.

Once you have one of these clients installed, you will need to set up the MUX as a site. Most clients are fairly intuitive at setting these up. In SimpleMU, the menu options is "Add/Edit Sites" under the Connections menu. All you need to fill in is the host name and the port number; everything else is optional. For SluggyMUX, the host is mux.sluggy.com and the port is 2025. This is enough information to let you connect to the MUX, where you will be faced with a screen with a choice of commands - if you haven't connected to the MUX before, follow its directions to create a character.

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