3.1. Building Commands: @dig and @open
Most social MUXes have free building. Not entirely free, as it costs MUX money to build stuff. But it's free in that you don't need to have a wizard's permission - you can just go and start building.

Anyway, building your own part of the MUX world is accomplished using four major commands: @dig, @open, @link, and @create. There are other commands as well, but they are covered in the next part.

This is the command that is used to build a room. The syntax is simply: @dig (room name). This will create a room that is "floating" in the middle of nowhere, and assign it a DB#. You can then @teleport to that DB# (see Part 2.3) and do stuff with the room. You should definitely describe the room, the same way you described yourself, except you type @desc here=... instead of @desc me=...
If you messed up the name of the room (or, in fact, anything; you can even rename yourself) use the @name command, which changes something's name. @name (thing)=(new name), and as usual, (thing) can be the name of an object, its DB#, me, or here.

This command creates an exit. The command is @open (exit name)=(DB# of destination). This creates an exit from the room you are in to the destination room, but only if you own the room you are currently in, and either you own the destination room or it has the LINK_OK flag (which shows up as an L in its flags).

Now, a little note about exit names: Exits are the only things on the MUX that have more than one name. When naming the exit, you need to type the name that actually shows up, and then all the things that people might type to use that exit after it, separated by semicolons. For example, an exit called <G>arage will be fairly unusable, but one called <G>arage;Garage;G will work fine.
If you don't like all those angle brackets, you don't have to put them in the exit name, but be SURE that every possible thing people would type is included. Hot Tub;HT is not a very intuitive exit. Instead, you should use something like Hot Tub;HT;Hot;Tub;H.
Back to talking about @open: you can open an exit to someplace and an exit back simultaneously, provided you own both rooms. Type @open (exit name)=(DB# of destination),(exit name coming back). For example, @open North;N=#587,South;S will make an exit to #587 called North, and an exit back called South.

Combining @dig and @open
You can make a new room, an exit to that room from your location, and an exit back from that room, all in one command, by using @dig (room name)=(exit name),(exit name coming back). For example, if you are building a house and decide it needs a kitchen, you could type @dig Kitchen=<K>itchen;Kitchen;K,<O>ut;Out;O

Be sure to @desc your rooms, or else they will look very empty. @desc here=(description)

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